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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Note From My Pastor

Our church has been using Facebook a lot lately.  It seems that people have really opened up to one another through this medium.  While at first I thought it was quite strange that people could be so friendly online, I slowly came around to the idea.  I questioned the validity of their friendship over and over, that is until I saw people actually communicating in real life.  There's a wave of joy that's come over our congregation and honestly it's quite intoxicating.  I have more desire to serve in the church again.  I personally haven't gained any new friendships from any of this, but God has awakened the servant inside of me again.

Today I received the following message from my pastor in my inbox.  He's been sending these out a couple times a week now for about a month.  I thought I'd share his encouraging word for the day to you all as well. 


Encouraging Word
Since God has so generously let us in on what he is doing, we’re not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times. We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don’t maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don’t twist God’s Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God. 2 Corinthians 4: 1-2 The Message

It's amazing isn't it? When the whole truth is shared about what Jesus has done in you and I things really get exciting... What's happening in our families is nothing short of a miracle. It's not hype or exaggeration. We're putting Jesus on display - making Him famous, and He is responding to our worship.

I stand amazed really. I received a letter from an adult and a youth in our church this past week. Both said almost the exact same thing - that we need to get into God's Word and allow HIS TRUTH to wash us into holy vessels pleasing to His name.

Be encouraged today to put aside the mask. There's no need to play games. Be encouraged to get real with God. Be real! Walk a real walk! Talk the real talk!

We don't have to twist the obvious because we are all a work in progress. Let everyone see that we are God's children, each in the process of growing into His image. We don't use masks to cover our past or our failures. We are pressing toward His high calling...

However, more important than us pressing forward to reach God, He has initiated the first step in reaching out to YOU and I. It is HE who has initiated this redemptive plan. Thanks God we are part of His plan and have responded to His voice!

Because of such great love, we are NOT ABOUT TO THROW UP OUR HANDS AND QUIT! I'd encourage some of you to get down right angry at the enemy and put your hands on your hips, tilt your head back and look that ole' devil in the eyes and say, "Honey... I'm just getting started. I'm not about to throw up my hands and quit. You might have had me, but you sure don't have me now. I'm blessed. I'm favored. I'm God's child. I'm serving at my church. I'm reaching out to my community. I cannot be deterred, delayed, or denied. I will not quit!"



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